Monday, August 13, 2012

STR: Photo Collage

OK, this week we are back to regularly scheduled programming but peppered with vacation posts! 
I hope you have enjoyed the photos from our vacation thus far! If anything i hope they convince you to go on a trip to Alaska! It is so beautiful! 

Lovely Little Things

So with our regularly scheduled programming we are back to the Smell the Roses tasks! This week was to create a photo collage about yourself! Here's what I came up with! 

And a little explanation to go with it all... 
1. Friendship has been immensely important to me. Here's a shot of my and all my bridesmaids! Love these ladies! 
2. I love being a wife. It has been my most enjoyed and challenging position in life! I have learned so much about myself by sharing my life with an awesome man! 
3. This verse has been a theme for my life. When struggles come my way, i remind myself that His power is made perfect in my weakness! Overall, I love the Lord and my life would not be the same without a faithful Savior that i can know and love! 
4. Baseball is not just a national pastime! It is one of my loves! I enjoy spending time with hubs, friends and family at games! 
5. Family is most definitely important to me. Here's a shot from a few years ago of my sister, mother, my sister's boyfriend, and myself riding a surrey in Coronado, Ca. 
6. An apple for this teacher! I love to teach and never thought i would! I guess all those times that my sister and i played "school" really should have stuck out more! This also represents my love of children! 
7. Here's a shot from our recent vacation to Alaska. This shot was taken of me after a nine mile bike ride, which would represent an active lifestyle and also a love to see new things and places!
8. Lily - my new adventure and love! I think having this little kitty in my life is gonna be a great experience! I love her so much already. (I am currently freaking out that she is under the couch, but she is sleeping soundly!)
9. A wreath i recently made represents my crafty side! I love to craft!
10. A full food processor means i have been cooking! This is one thing you can find me doing OFTEN! 

Well, I think this is a good summary of things that represent me. 
Next week's task is to reminisce by going through my memory box! Can't wait to share a little from my past but mostly to remember some good times! 
