Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Lack of the Jitters

Today I will be reading the book First Day Jitters to my class.

It's a book about a girl who doesn't wan to go to school and who eventually turns out to be a teacher at a new school! I use this book to get kids talking about ow they are relying on the fist day of school. I know that kids often feel a range o emotions. They feel excited, tired, sad, nervous, sick and more! Tomorrow a new feeling might be "not ready." This would be becasue we are starting school sooooooo early this year! It might make all of us, students and teachers, stay in bed and refuse to get up! 

The book also springs into a different topic of conversation. It bring up the fact that teachers at real people with real feelings and real lives! For me my feelings are not ready and still needing more of a break, but yet, I am hopeful and dedicated to teaching those kiddos! I am excited to see my students,especially the ones who I know will have done some growing up! I know my feelings of not being ready and wanting more time will fade! Before you know it I will be back in the swing of things!

If today was your first day back, I hope you felt like you accomplished all you sought to accomplish!


Ps. This week will be a bunch of  link ups! This will help me to settle back into the swing of things with a new school year starting! Hope you all enjoy!

PPS today would have normally been my smell the Roses task, but lovely Jessica is out of town, hence next week we will resume the regularly scheduled posts!