Saturday, May 19, 2012

High Five 5.18/19.12

Time for a HIGH Five!

Baseball with the hubs ... sooooooo fun!
We saw a great game on Wednesday and then went to see another game with friends on Friday! 
(This is the reason why i am posting so late!) Here's a couple shots from both games!

Four words: I.Got.A.Massage. 
Enough said!

Hubs surprised me with a trip to a new spot. Taco Surf = YUM!

Wonderful Wednesday... meaning my kids did not visit our "time out room." This was AMAZING! It definitely proves that hard work is paying off! After several months of struggling and dealing with some pretty tough behaviors, we finally saw some of our diligence pay off! The kids did great and were justly rewarded with Otter Pops and a few extra minutes of playground time! 
(They all love the new playground, BTW)

Posting about Chuck. It really meant a lot to share with you all.
It also meant a whole bunch that his wife thanked me for my words. 
Then she even shared the link to my blog with others! 
Love that lady BUNCHES!

There's my high five!