Monday, March 11, 2013

10 on Tues 3.12.13

Here's my 10 on Tuesday! 

This video makes me cry every time i watch it! Love how sweet this daddy is! 

Bella and Tara! Best buds! 
The funny thing is my sister's name is Tara and she had a pet water frog named Bella when she was younger! 

I kind of feel like everyday in my classroom I should wear a cape, but really it would get in the way! 
Spring time in a classroom is always a whilrwind! 

I went shoe shopping last weekend out of necessity and because it was my birthday. I got out of the shoe store with THREE PAIRS! This is amazing for me. I am entirely toooooooo picky about my shoe choices. They must be comfy, have good soles, not dig in, make my toes look cute, be in my size (which would seem easy but apparently many are size 7.5), be inexpensive, and come in either a shade of black or brown that i can make work with my wardrobe. Oh yeah, and another criteria is that I have to be able to chase after children in them. You should have seen the sales lady's face when i told her that!!! 

On that note:
I think my cat clearly thinks this of me but does not need another cat for me to know it! 

The time change thing is the worst on Monday, but this year it also fell on my birthday! To that i say: UGH! I must admit thought that i love the sunlight at the end of the day. Getting to work in darkness though stinks for the first week or so! 

My moment to complain: I want a house and I want it NOW! (Definitely screamed this just like the girl who turns into a blueberry in the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie) Home-ownership is gonna be such a breeze compared to this waiting game and then battling in this market! 

My husband is going fishing this weekend with work buddies... I am gonna miss the guy, but at the same time ready for a day to catch up!!! Gonna do a bunch of stuff! 

This diet I am on has been great! Lost a little more weight and even had my cheat day on Sunday! 

Finally, I have been able to log in to work on my Autism Authorization through Project Optimal. They re-did their website and I know I am not alone, but they messed up my log-in capabilities for a few weeks! It was so difficult ot get some help and now, I gotta get my butt in gear and get some work done! Off to work on a unit now! 

Hope your Tuesday rocks! 
Don't forget to check other people's 10 on Tuesday posts! 